Performers applying facial paint before their Goma-Dhamal performance on the outskirts of Jambur Village, Talala, in the Gir Forest. The group is led by Ameen Bhai.
Mimetic expression and dance movments of performers in Jambur, Talal, Gir Forest.
Group photo after Goma-Dhamal performance in Jambur, Talala, Gir Forest.
Drummer and other perfomers are at performance site at Resort in Gir Forest. Goma-Dhamal group of Appu Badshah from Talala.
Goma-Dhamal performer arranging the fire wood, before the begning of perormance.
Performers are in line to make Goma-Dhamal performance circle.
The begning of the Goma-Dhamal performance circle around the fire.
Performers have made the full circle. Showing the different dance movements and expressions.
Goma-Dhamal performer place a coconut on the ground and has put money on it, as part of the performance.
Performer slowely moving towards the cocnut while making different expressions.
Goma-Dhamal performer Appu Badshah has picked the coconut to split by hitting on the head.
Making a spcific Goma-Dhamal dance posture around the small river in Talala. Performer Appu Badshah in right and Rakesh Kumar in left, 2021.
During fieldwork in Jambur village, Gir Forest, 2021.
During fieldwork in Gir Forest, 2021.
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